Certifying the sustainability of new infrastructures
A multi-stakeholder working group led by the Global Infrastructure Facility (GIF) and Macquarie has developed a standard based on the four pillars of sustainability :
- Environmental
- Social
- Governance,
- Adaptation and Resilience
These dimensions are expressed in 14 criteria which, taken together, describe sustainability as defined by the FISI label.
The FAST-Infra Group has designated Global Infrastructure Basel (GIB) Foundation as the Secretariat and Bloomberg L.P. as Data Repository for the FISI Label from 2023. Together GIB and Bloomberg are responsible for implementing and managing the label.
Scaling up bankable and sustainable projects
Supported by multilateral development banks and a group of eight public and private institutions, and led by HSBC, FIP brings together a global community of users, governments, developers, auditors and financiers.
Among the expected benefits for all players :
- Project data collection and authentication
- Process automation
- Faster turnaround times
- Reduced transaction costs
- Improved project quality and bankability
- Increased volumes and likelihood of financing
- Ability to analyze and aggregate project portfolios
Accelerating innovation in sustainable financial tools
This solution under development, aims to deploy innovative financing tools such as :
• Global renewable energy guarantees
Regional diversified guarantee funds / off-take guarantees covering several months of debt payments (e.g. for PPAs) with interest / premium payments.
• Open-sourced managed co-lending portfolio programme (OMCPP)
Syndication structure allowing for participation from a wide range of MDBs in emerging markets and investors.
• Sustainable Financing Facility (SFF)
Banks and concessional capital lend to NDBs for on-lending to sustainable infra projects